Culture is not national. Culture flourishes through exchange, discoveries and curiosity – metaphorically speaking, through polygamy and not the incestuous world of a mountain village of Robert Schneider’s. Spreading books, texts and ideas over language barriers and borders opens up new worlds. We cannot undo the Babylonian punishment entirely. But we do not have to resign ourselves with it. By conveying literary works abroad I wish to contribute to all our curiosity. There is a lot to discover beyond borders of all kinds.

In the Netherlands for example:

Anjet Daanje

Alex Boogers

Ellen de Bruin

Miquel Bulnes

Mark Tigchelaar

Christiaan Weijts

In Germany:

Ulrike Guérot

And in England:

Stuart Jeffries

For further information on the authors and the books as well as the foreign rights for Anjet Daanje´s, Alex Boogers´, Ellen de Bruin´s, Miquel Bulnes’, Ulrike Guérot´s and Mark Tigchelaar’s books, please feel free to contact me. If you wish I will also be glad to provide translations of samples from the books into German language.